Neighborhood Watch
Reviving Neighborhood Watch
The Rossmoyne Neighborhood Watch network was revived in 2010 under the direction of a new Rossmoyne/Mountain HOA Board of Directors. That same year, the Board of Directors of the HOA launched the first National Night Out and Summer Movie at Nibley Park event which remains one of our most anticipated and well-attended neighborhood gatherings!
We take great pride in our neighborhood watch program which continues to strengthen and grow with each passing year. Our Block Captain network is an important tie to our community and an important avenue to build bonds as Block Captains know their neighbors personally and can interact with them at ground level.
We maintain strong ties and direct communication with our Glendale Police Department (GPD) so that details regarding criminal activity can be gathered and disseminated quickly through our Block Captain network.
True Story

a resident walking her two dogs one evening passed by a recently sold house and noticed cars and people who didn’t belong there on the property. She stopped at her Neighborhood Watch Block Captain’s home, a few doors down, and mentioned what she had seen. The Block Captain immediately reported suspicious activity to GPD and within minutes the suspects (gang members) were taken into custody. This event took place on Moncado Drive.
Although we live in one of the safest cities in America, we have experienced a number of spikes in crime over the past several years. Thanks to the vigilance of our community and the dedication of our volunteers, we have thwarted many burglary attempts and have sometimes seen the bad guys get locked-up.
We encourage everyone to join the Rossmoyne Neighborhood Watch network to receive email communications or to consider being a Block Captain by contacting us at:
Bill Vasquez
Board Member & Committee Chair
RMHOA Neighborhood Watch Committee